
News & Events


      Admissions are open for classes Nursery to XI (Science, Commerce & Humanities) for the session 2023-2024

    Result of 2022-23

    Congratulations everyone for the Excellent result in class X & XII Board Examination  






1 You should be habitually clean and neatly dressed. The schooluniform is to be worn on all

school days and on all occasions of functions organised by theschool.

2 Pupils who are not properly dressed and whose general appearancedoes not confirm to such

regulations as the school prescribes, may be sent back home by thePrincipal.

3 It is strictly forbidden to throw anything out of place and atanyone.

4 No shouting or whistling is allowed in the school premises.

5 It is necessary that pupils must obey the monitor appointed bythe class teacher to maintain

discipline during his/her absence from the class.

6 Non-Sikh boys should have their hair trimmed at regularintervals.

7 You have to be punctual and regular in the school and join themorning assembly, as the

bell starts ringing, in a disciplined manner. By the time the bellstops, ensure that you are in

position at the allotted place.

8 Observe order and decorum befitting the occasion.

9 You must not bring any sharp instrument to the school.

10 You must not lend or borrow money or other articles from yourfellow student

11 The school will not be responsible for loss of books, money andother valuables brought by

you to the school. However, every effort will be made to recoverthe things lost, if reported to

the Class Teacher or the Principal immediately.

12 You are expected to be polite, courteous, respectful and welldisciplined inside and outside the


13 You must take care of your school property. No student shouldscratch or spoil any school

furniture, or write or draw lines on the walls or in any othermanner damage things belonging

to others. Damage done even by accident, either by you or by anyone else, should be reported

at once to the Class Teacher or to the Principal. Any damage donewill have to be made good

either individually or collectively.

14 It is compulsory for all children to converse in English as theCBSE syllabus stresses on student

competence to speak confidently and fluently in English. A studentmust speak in decent

language all the time. He must ensure that his speech is courteousand polite.No student

should participate in any kind of rumour spreading and shouldrefrain from speaking ill

about others.


 “A human being is notattaining his full heights until he is educated.”


Medical Guidance

1. All parents are requested to impart health educational to theirchildren so that they

a) maintain personal hygiene like: trimming of nails. regular hairtrimming, etc.

b) Ensure that they sleep 8 howers a day.

c) ensure that they exercise daily.

d) have a balanced diet, nutritionally rich in vitamins andcalcium

e) drink water which is either boiled or filtered.

f) avoid consumption of ice-creams, other milk products andeatables from roadside vendors

and kiosks.

g) dewonming all children at least once every year. Advice to betaken from your family


2. Immunise all Children as per the following details.

(a) BCG

(b) OPT

(c) Oral Polio

(d) Measles

(e) Tetanus - Booster dose to be given between 7-16 years of ageand also to be given if


(f) Typhoid every 2/3 years (oral/injections)

(g) HepatitisA, Hepatitis B

(h) Meningitis, Chicken Pox

3. Get a dental and an opthalmic check up done at least once everyyear.

4. Noprescriptions dring will be given to the student in the school premises